Direct Factoring
Direct Factoring serves your short term need for liquidity.
Your business activity is increasing, and the lack of liquidity is holding it back?
You need more working capital to expand your range of products or services?
Do you have other business growth plans that need more working capital?
To meet your short-term (up to 6 months) needs for liquidity, we propose Direct recourse Factoring.
Calculate your installment
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Reverse Factoring
Reverse Factoring serves your need for inventory purchase.
Is your activity based on a significant volume of inventory?
Do you want to take advantage from a discount or a special offer consisting of buying a higher
volume of inventory than usual?
Is your business activity growing and the lack of inventory is holding it back?
Has your customer ordered a good whose value exceeds your financial possibilities?
Crimson Finance Fund Albania finances the purchase of your inventory, up to 100% of its value through Reverse Factoring
Calculate your installment
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